Board Roles and Descriptions
Board Roles
Presides over board and action meetings
Prepares meeting agendas
Serves as non-profit spokesperson as needed
Recommends members for committees and appoints committee chairs
Partners with other groups/organizations to achieve organization's mission
Encourages transparent communication between board members
Ensures that timelines are met and all parties are accountable to their responsibilities
Communicates with committee chairs as needed to ensure that action items are met and activities are in -line with the mission and vision of the organization
Discusses issues affecting the organization with the board and any other relevant parties
Monitors financial planning and financial reports
Plays a leading role in fundraising and outreach efforts
Time Commitment: 10 hours a month ( more in busy months); expected to be at as many functions as possible or to ensure a board representative is at functions if not possible​
In absence of co-chairs, coordinates facilitation of board meetings, ensures agendas and minutes are distributed, and implements the strategic plan
Reports to board chair
Works closely with all board members to meet organizational mission
Actively recruits and helps to maintain volunteers
Ensures transparent communication between all board members
Plays a leading role in fundraising and outreach efforts
Represents organization as spokesperson when co-chairs are unavailable to do so
Performs other responsibilities as assigned by board
Time Commitment: 10 hours a month ( expectations for more leading up to annual Pride event); expected to be at as many functions as possible ​
Board Treasurer
Oversees all revenues and expenses and creates financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement) and communicates this information to the Board on a quarterly basis
Works with the board to create budget draft and seeks approval from the board on an annual basis
Ensures development and board review of sound fiscal policies and procedures
Acts as an official signer on Lowcountry Pride bank account
Oversees any financial agreements
Actively engages in fundraising efforts
Serves as chair of finance committee (if applicable)
In cooperation with board members, accepts responsibility for filing annual tax forms as required by state or IRS (this includes monthly reporting as required by state)
Provides a full financial report to the board on an annual basis
Time Commitment: 10 hours a month (typically more like 3-5 hours a month except leading up to annual Pride event); ideally is able to attend most functions​
Board Secretary
Maintains board records and ensures effective management of the organization's records
Manages board meeting minutes: collect and send a draft of minutes to the Co-Chairs for approval and then send to the rest of the board. Minutes should reflect the activities of meetings in an objective manner, without unnecessary commentary. They should include the following information:
Who is present and absent (absent only for board members)​
Items discussed
Issues raised
Votes and action items
Any other relevant information
Ensures minutes are distributed to members shortly after each meeting​
Maintains sufficient familiarity with legal documents (articles, by-laws, IRS letters, etc.) to reference when necessary in board meetings
Maintains a chart of start and ending dates for each board member
Responsible for creating and distributing mailings to email list on monthly basis
Time Commitment: 10 hours a month ( often closer to 3-5 except in months leading up to annual Pride event); ideally is able to attend most organizational functions.​
-In the absence of the secretary at any meeting, another board member will be appointed by the presiding officer to serve as secretary pro tempore
Board Member Recruiting Process
As per by-laws, board members may approach parties that seem to be a good fit to fill existing open board member positions. If no party has been identified, then the position and application information will be shared at an action meeting and posted on line. Positions will remain open on a rolling basis until the board agrees on a candidate or candidates.
Applicants should send an email with the following:
Letter of interest stating what position is sought, relevant experience related to this position, why applicant is interested in position, and what unique qualities/talents applicant feels they can bring to this position
Copy of resume / CV
Signed statement affirming that the applicant is able to commit to 10 hours a month and will be present at functions to the best of their ability (any concerns about ability to meet these requirements should be addressed and thoroughly discussed in interview).
Once received and reviewed, existing board members will hold an interview with the applicant. If approved by the board, a motion will be made and a vote will be taken at the next scheduled action meeting to place the applicant in the desired role.